Palm-15 equips the dismounted soldier with a wearable, rugged, immediate and autonomous hovering loitering munition

 Palm-15 provides small tactical units (squad level and below) with a hovering, loitering precision-strike UAS for use against beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) targets from both static and mobile positions

Highly Operational Combat System

 Palm-15 provides small tactical units (squad level and below) with a hovering, loitering precision-strike UAS for use against beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) targets from both static and mobile positions.

Providing a significant aerial advantage, the Palm-15’s hovering capability enables aerial observation of targets in complex urban environments in which a conventional aircraft would be inefficient.

 Providing ground forces with a real-time aerial capability to locate, track and attack targets, the Palm-15 uses AI capabilities to ensure minimal collateral damage.

Key Features

 the Palm-15 uses AI capabilities to ensure minimal collateral damage.